

Open Access Policy

Publication Charges


Using Third-Party Material

Manuscript Format and Style

Citation Style and Examples

Author's Statement Form

Online Submission Instructions

Manuscript (Re)Submission



Please consider the following instructions before submitting your manuscript.

The submission process requires: 1) information about the authors, including authors' names, authors' affiliations, authors' emails); 2) manuscript main file, contating the title, introduction, the main discussion, conclusion, abbreviations (if applicable), and references.


In matters of capitalization, punctuation, abbreviations, and the like, the journal follows the guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

Hunara uses American spellings and punctuation. Hunara suggests the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The same dictionary is also useful for biographical and geographical entries.


  • Language

Please note that Hunara currently accepts submissions in English.


  • Open Access Policy

This journal will provide immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


  • Publication Charges

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.


  • License

The journal publishes under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


  • Using Third-Party Material

You must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in your article. This includes images, drawings, graphs and the like. If you wish to include any material in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.


  • Manuscript Format and Style

Peer review for this journal will use a double-blind process. Therefore, authors are asked to remove as many self-identifying features from their submitted manuscripts as possible.

Upon submission, authors of accepted manuscripts agree to transfer the copyright to the journal, but authors retain the rights for the re-use of their articles.

Manuscripts should be no more than 8,000 words long.

The preferable arrangement is:

  • Abstract (150-300 words)
  • Keywords (4-7)
  • Introduction
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Abbreviations
  • References

When formatting your manuscript, please consider the following:

  • use Times New Roman, 13, bold and centered, for the title;
  • Times New Roman, 11, bold, for the subhead (if any);
  • Times New Roman, 12, for the main text;
  • double space for the main text;
  • Times New Roman, 10 / 1.15 line spacing for footnotes.
  • footnotes, not endnotes.
  • The basic format of our style uses short-form citations within the text and a list of “References” at the end of the manuscript.

Citations must be supplied within the main text rather than footnotes or endnotes.

Please note that the rules below applying to final documents accepted for publication do not apply to manuscripts submitted for review. Authors may style their papers according to those rules if they please, but this has no bearing on the review process. What matters is to be consistent throughout the work. Manuscripts submitted for review must only:

  • be anonymized
  • include an abstract of 150-300 words
  • not be submitted simultaneously for publication or consideration anywhere else
  • not have been previously published
  • be the author’s/authors’ original work

Do not include literature not referenced by your article. Further, do not list or cite general background literature; literature reviews are not permitted. At most, authors may cite one other (usually recent) work which itself lists the range of literature to which they wish to point.


Citation Style and Examples

Publication place for books is only required for materials published before 1900.

  • Books with single author:

Beekes, Robert S. P. 1988. A Grammar of Gatha-Avestan. Brill.

(Beekes 1988, 83-85)

(Beekes 1988, 89, 118)


Justin. 1853. Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus. Translated by John S. Watson. London: Henry G. Bohn.

(Justin, Epitome 41.2.7)


  • Books with two authors:

Humbach, Helmut, and Klaus Faiss. 2010. Zarathushtra and His Antagonists. A sociolinguistic study with English and German translations of his Gāthās. Dr. Ludwig Reichert.

(Humbach and Faiss 2010, 78)


  • Books with three or more authors

For a book with three or more authors, include all the authors in the reference list entry. Word order and punctuation are the same as for two authors. In the text, however, cite only the last name of the first-listed author, followed by et al.

(Morgan et al. 1905, 57-58)


Note that translated by and edited by are not abbreviated:

Liverani, Mario. 2014. The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Translated by Soraia Tabatabai. Routledge.

(Liverani 2014, 242-8)


Books with an editor in place of an author include the abbreviation ed. (editor; for more than one editor, use eds.). Note that the text citation does not include ed.

Hassard, John, ed. 1990. The Sociology of Time. Palgrave Macmillan.

(Hassard 1990, 1-2)


  • Chapter in an Edited Volume:

Stausberg, Michael. 2008. “Para-Zoroastrianisms: memetic transmission and appropriations.” In Parsis in India and the Diaspora, edited by John R. Hinnells, and Alan Williams, 236-54. Routledge.

(Stausberg 2008, 240)


For entries in the Encyclopædia Iranica use the following example:

Gnoli, Gherardo, and Parivash Jamzadeh. 1988. “Bahrām (Vərəθraγna).” In Encyclopædia Iranica 3.5: 510-514.

(Gnoli and Jamzadeh 1988, 514)


Please provide the access link if you have consulted the online edition:

Gnoli, Gherardo, and Parivash Jamzadeh. 1988. “Bahrām (Vərəθraγna).” In Encyclopædia Iranica 3.5: 510-514; an updated version is available online at (accessed online on 21 February 2023)

(Gnoli and Jamzadeh 1988)


  • Journal Articles:

Lenzi, Alan. 2013. “A New Akkadian Shuila-Prayer to the Three Paths of Heaven and the Third Tablet of Bīt salāʾ mê.” Orientalia 82, no. 1: 1–10.

(Lenzi 2013, 4-6)


For works by the same author(s) published in the same year, use a, b, c, etc. after the publication year.


In-text citation for pages, paragraphs, sections, etc.:

For a page: (Piaget 1980, 74)

For multiple pages and page ranges: (Tafazzoli 1990, 47, 49-52)

For a paragraph: (Claussen 2015, para. 2.15)

For a section: (Altheim and Stiehl 1957, sec. 2)

For a whole chapter: (Porada 1965, chap. 14)

An entire volume: (Amiet 1970, vol. 1)

A page in a volume of a multi-volume work: (Amiet 1970, 1:38)

For pages in different volumes: (Barnes 1998, 2:354-55, 3:29)

For a note: (De Jong 1995, 224n57)

For a whole section with a subheading: (Gershevitch 1954, under “Historical Phonology”)


To avoid repeating information, individual contributions to an edited volume may include cross-references to an entry for the volume as a whole. Note that cross-references to other titles in the reference list take the form of text citations but without any parentheses.

Gabolde, Marc. 2009. “Under a Deep Blue Starry Sky.” In Brand and Cooper 2009, 109-20.

Redford, Donald B. 2009. “The Land of Ramesses.” In Brand and Cooper 2009, 175-77.

Brand, Peter J. and Louis Cooper, eds. 2009. Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian and History in Memory of William J. Murname. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, vol. 37. Brill.


In text citations, forthcoming is preceded by a comma.

Doe, John. Forthcoming. “A New Chapter.” In A New Stimulating Volume , edited by Jane Doe. Publishing House.

(Doe, forthcoming)


  • Editions other than the first:

Strunk, William, Jr., and E. B. White. 2000. The Elements of Style. 4th ed. Allyn and Bacon.


  • Book Series:

Scheil, Vincent. 1939. Mélanges épigraphiques. MDP 28. Ernest Leroux.


  • Multivolume works:

Soden, Wolfram von. 1965-74. Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. 3 vols. Harrassowitz.

Grene, David, and Richmond Lattimore, eds. 2013. The Complete Greek Tragedies. 3rd ed., edited by Mark Griffith and Glenn W. Most. 9 vols. (unnumbered). University of Chicago Press.


Use inclusive numbers in notes, not “f.” or “ff.”  Use all digits for inclusive numbers from 1-100 (e.g., 5-57); abbreviations are acceptable in other sets: 103-9, 334–42.  In general, for numbers above 100, only the changed numbers are necessary.


  • Websites:

Chicago style requires an access date in citations of websites and other sources consulted online only if no date of publication or revision can be determined from the source. In those cases - that is, when only an access date is used - record n.d. as the date of publication in the reference list entry and for the in-text citation. To avoid conflation with the name of the author, n.d. is always lowercase.

Alliance for Linguistic Diversity, n.d. “Balkan Romani.” Endangered Languages. Accessed April 6,2016.

(Alliance for Linguistic Diversity, n.d.)


For sources that include a date of publication or revision, use the year of publication in the reference list entry. Repeat the year with the month and day to avoid any confusion.

Google. 2016. “Privacy Policy.” Privacy & Terms. Last modified March 25,2016.

(Google 2016)

  • Blogs:

Germano, William. 2014. “Futurist Shock.” Lingua Franca (blog), Chronicle of Higher Education. February 15, 2017.

(Germano 2017)


Do not use id., idem, or op cit, etc. When citing an immediately preceding reference, repeat all the details.

For eras use the following:

    • BC (Before Christ); BCE (Before the Common Era)
    • AD (Anno Domini; for years after Jesus Christ was born); CE (of the Common Era)
    • AH (anno Hegirae for the Islamic calendar, or anno Hebraico for the Hebrew year).
    • BP (Before the Present; for archaeological purposes)

Whether you choose BC/AD or BCE/CE, be consistent throughout the text.

Note that the Latin abbreviations AD and AH precede the year number, whereas the others follow it.


Hunara uses three levels of headers:

    1. First level: boldface (Sasanian Rock Reliefs);
    2. second level, italics (Tāq-i Bustān);
    3. third level, plain text (Floral Design).

Please note that in no instance should the manuscript include underlined text.

Block quotes are for passages of 50 words or more. If a quote is 49 words or fewer, it should be run into the regular text.

All manuscripts must use Unicode-compliant symbols that remain stable in font conversion. Special fonts will only be permitted where Unicode-compliant symbols do not exist.

For all manuscripts including language set in right-to-left scripts (principally Hebrew and Persian, but also Aramaic, etc.), be sure to provide a PDF confirming the correct order/rendering of all passages in these languages. 

Acknowledgements must be added after the manuscript has been peer reviewed. Acknowledgements should precede the footnotes and be linked to the title of the work.

Manuscript pages should be numbered (bottom, centered).

Authors need to submit an abstract of about 250 words for the editors’ review. The abstract should make clear both the main subject of the manuscript and its original scholarly contribution(s). 


  • Acceptable Formats for Initial Submissions
  • Microsoft Word (.doc)
  • PDF (.pdf)

If your manuscript is in Word and contains special characters, the characters may become corrupted during the conversion to a PDF document.  Therefore, please review the final PDF carefully before you finish the submission process.

Word documents should be submitted as a single file.

Acceptable formats for images are JPEG (.jpg), and TIFF (.tif). Images must be submitted as separate files (300 dpi), and also within the manuscript. You may reduce the resolution of the image(s) for inserting it inside the manuscript. *.DOC files are also acceptable only for figures that have been drawn in MS Word.

Captions should look like the following:

Figure 1. Chalcedony pendant (BM 113886; © The Trustees of the British Museum)

Tables must be created in MS Word.


Revised and Final Versions of Manuscript

The final version of your manuscript must be submitted in Word (.doc). To ensure that special characters are typeset correctly, it is helpful if you also submit your own PDF of the final version manuscript, in addition to the Word file.

When revising a manuscript, please activate the “Track Changes” in Word. Otherwise, your file cannot be processed. If you disagree with a reviewer and would like to discuss the point with him/her, please write a letter to the reviewer and submit it as a separate file.

For revised and final versions of manuscripts, please observe the same formatting instructions outlined above.


Author's Statement Form

Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to submit the signed "author's statement" form. If there are more than one author, the form must be filled out and signed by the corresponding author. The form can be downloaded from the link below. Please send us an email if you cannot download it.

Download Author's Statement Form


Online Submission Instructions

Please have the following items readily available before beginning the online submission process:

  • Manuscript in an acceptable format as described above
  • Information from title page (to be typed into the peer-review database): title, short title, abstract, keywords, list of authors and affiliations, and their contact information.

Please ensure all required details for all the authors are correctly provided. The names of contributors cannot be changed later. Where available, please also include ORCiDs. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author. No email address will be made public. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted.

The journal does not approve of ghostwriting under any circumstances. All authors must be contributors to the paper. If a paper is found to have been written by a ghostwriter, it will be listed in the “retractions” section of the journal’s website.

Funding details. Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:

For single agency grants:

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].


For multiple agency grants:

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].


Disclosure statement. This is to acknowledge any financial or non-financial interest that has arisen from the direct applications of your research. If there are no relevant competing interests to declare please state this on the cover page, for example:

The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.


Manuscript (Re)Submission

Authors can either send their manuscripts and other relevant files to, or submit their manuscripts through the submission system of the journal's website. You must provide authors' names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID (if applicable) in a separate DOC file if you choose to send your manuscript to our email address.

Once peer-reviewed, the authors may be asked to submit a revised version of their work. Submitting a revised version of the manuscript is the same as an initial submission. Yet, you will have a chance to emend some details, abstract, and keywords.

Note: Never hit the back button of your Internet explorer as this action will erase all the entries and take you back to square one. Instead, use the Next/Previous buttons at the bottom of each page.

Note: The "Manuscript Main File" should only contain the title of the work followed by the main text. There must be no abstract, keywords, or authors' names in it.